
Ontario Teachers Support Wi-Fi

The following article indicates that Ontario teachers support Wi-Fi in schools. Quote: "A resolution aiming to get wireless technology out of classrooms that was put forward by teachers in the Niagara region was soundly defeated at the annual general meeting of the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario". This incident occurred at the same time as some parents in Barrie Ontario were lobbying to have Wi-Fi banned from their schools. This web site may have played a role in the overwhelming vote to maintain Wi-Fi. The article states: "Hundreds of Internet commenters have weighed in, with many dismissing the claims as outrageous, but others suggesting it's an idea worth exploring further". We received a number of favorable comments from visitors to this site during this incident. Feel free to contact us at: webmaster@emfandhealth.com.

WiFi may cause genetic defects: scientist
A story with this sensationalist headline ran in most of the National Post chain of newspapers across Canada including the Montreal Gazette. This story is particularly shocking because of the total lack of professional journalism in uncritically repeating unsubstantiated assertions. Barrie Trower is not a scientist; he claims to have taught high school level physics. He also claims to have been an expert in "microwave stealth warfare". He makes the absurd claim that Wi-Fi uses the "same frequencies and powers" as such "weapons". A reader of this story did an interesting background check on Trower. See "I bet Mr. Trower has a delightful accent".

His sensational assertion that Wi-Fi could lead to ovary damage in young girls is a total fabrication. The claim by Trower that Wi-Fi can cause DNA damage is based on a study that was later withdrawn because of scientific fraud. No properly conducted scientific studies have ever demonstrated DNA damage or any other serious effect from microwaves within existing safety standards. Virtually all of the public health authorities of the industrialized world including the World Health Organization, and Health Canada have reviewed the scientific literature and concluded that there is no credible evidence that Wi-Fi, cell phones, etc. cause health effects.
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Barry Trower
, a former "microwave weapons expert" claims that he "realized these same frequencies and powers (as weapons during the Cold War) were being used as Wi-Fi in schools. This is patently absurd as can be seen by comparing the WiFi router on the left with a directed beam microwave weapon on the right.
Relax. Cellphones and WiFi are safe

The National Post published a guest editorial by webmaster Lorne Trottier on the Barrie Ontario WiFi incident. This editorial is a succinct summary of the evidence concerning the safety of cellphones and WiFi
WiFi on the brain

The National Post published another excellent article by Scott Stinson entitled "WiFi on the brain". The article criticized a story on the CBC news program The National which gave equal weight to claims of various activist alarmist groups vs. the opinions of scientific bodies such as the World Health Organization and Health Canada.
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